
Get Your Work Out There!

Tired of little or no traction?

Playvel is interested in reading your screenplay for possible adaptation and publication on the Playvel site.  We believe there are thousands of great scripts out there ready for an audience. We will market your story using our exclusive strategies giving you the opportunity to prove its appeal to the public and the production industry alike. If you have a great script sitting on a shelf or under a pile of rejection letters send it in, we’d like you to join us.

Who we are

Screenwriters and playwrights just like you.  We know how difficult it is.  Here’s an alternative.

What are we looking for? Screenplays, stage plays and teleplays

Stories with heart, with depth, with characters that come alive and face great obstacles.  Stories about people with problems to solve, difficult moral and ethical choices to make, where much is at stake. We want characters who learn about themselves and experience a shift in identity. Characters with passion and strong desires, who feel things and make us feel things too. This applies to every genre, from cowboys to detectives, to star ship captains and intercity cops, to medieval or imaginary Queens and Kings, they all share the same humanity. In a very human way we are looking for stories about people who are just like us.  If the above resonates with you, if you strive after these goals, send us your work.

Publishing your work on the PLAYVEL site

There are three phases for publishing on the PLAYVEL site:

  1. Submission – you submit your screenplay, stage play or teleplay below in PDF format only.  As a special offer we are currently waving the ($50.00) submission fee.  Submission is FREE.
  2. Adaptation – if we like it we will invite you to adapt it into the Playvel format using the Playvel Style Guide.  We will work with you to make it the best it can be.  Adaptation is FREE and any suggestions we make for improvements to your work are yours to keep and use at your own discretion regardless of Playvel publication.
  3. Publication – if approved for publication a modest publication fee of  ($50.00) for partially costs applies.  Upon publication of the Playvel we will promote your story with your assistance.

There is a detailed contract/agreement at each stage. So, if you would like to get your work off the shelf and in front of a whole new audience click on the  “SCRIPT SUBMISSION” link below and let’s get started.


Other Services for Writers

Writer’s Tools

Playvel is also a source for unique and detailed story structure and character development tools and techniques to help you solve writer’s problems and deepen your craft, whether you are a screenwriter, playwright or novelist.  Tools include: “HOW TO CREATE INWARDLY CONFLICTED CHARACTERS” and “PLAYVEL STORY ARCHITECTURE”.  See the “Author Tools” and “Working Circle” pages in our catalog for more info.

The Story Development Working Circle*

Obtain objective feedback on your work from three other writers in our collaborative “Story Development Working Circle”.  The “Circle” gives you access to a secure room, a collaborative space where you can share your work and they can share their’s with you.  You can receive feedback on your story and characters from three independent sources, authors on a writing journey just like you.  In the Circle you can also provide your thoughts, questions and suggestions on each of your fellow authors scripts using Playvel’s detailed “Script Review Guide”.  Our goal is to help you discover the elements that are working in your story and those aspects which might be improved.  We expect you will come away from the experience with fresh viewpoints on your work and new ideas on how to take it to the next level.

Story Consulting

Speaker?  Writer?  Want some help with your story or script?  PLAYVEL offers story development consulting for anyone trying to put together a story that will engage their audience or reader.  Contact for more information about our affordable story consulting services for authors and speakers.

* Trademark of PLAYVEL, all rights reserved.