Why Register on the Playvel site?

Seven good reasons to Register on the Playvel site:

1) Registration enables you to click “Remember Me” and you will be automatically logged in on your next visit, saving you time!

2) You only have to provide your registration data once; (First name, Last name, and other billing information) and from that point forward this data is input automatically by the Playvel system, saving you time!

3) Once you register all your transactions; free file downloads, paid file downloads, merchandise and author related products are listed on your personal My Account Orders page.  This provides you with a full record of your reading and purchase history. This can be handy if you miss an episode or part of a story. Unfortunately your transactions are not recorded on your My Account page until you Register so Register today!

4) Your My Account page enables you to change your billing and/or shipping address or your password at anytime.

5) There are several services and products offered by Playvel, such as Author or collaborative functions, that can only be provided to registered users, this can be a lot of fun, another good reason to Register!

6) Registration gives you access to Wallet functions so you can pay in advance into your account, saving you time!

7) Okay, so there were only six but as we figure out others we will let you know!

REGISTER for Playvel today!!

Register here