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With Magna Carta I learned that the fundamental weakness in my efforts to achieve my goals and make my dreams come true was my inability to accept an instinctive and intuitive awareness within me that actually had my best interests at heart. 

My reticence held me back from professional and personal development and was something I had to overcome before new opportunities could occur.   

I had to stop pretending that the Quiet Voice wasn’t real.

Inexplicable opportunities

I ignored my instincts and gut feelings for years and it led to failure.  The moment I finally accepted and surrendered and began to let this awareness govern my work, the quality of what I was doing immediately improved and inexplicably opportunities opened up in the professional world as well.  It was quite remarkable.     

I began to realize that there is a more fundamental identity than my desires, fears, opinions and attitudes.  The Quiet Voice allowed me to actually be my BEST and not just settle for what might be “good enough”.  


The Quiet Voice was me.

A partner in the creative process

No longer suppressing it made it stronger and the peaceful feeling that surfaced became much more pronounced.  I learned to work with the Voice to solve problems in my work which I sensed were there but was having trouble  defining.


The Quiet Voice became a full partner in the creative process.  It wanted to contribute, collaborate and guide.  It knew what an audience wanted and how to get them there better than I did and it knew how to use my own knowledge of craft or direct me to the skills I still needed to learn.  It knew better than I did what was for my own good.

Part 12:  “Nothing Left to Ignore” is next, feel free to share!

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